Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Life as of late

What a week it's been.
While to an outsider it would probably seem life in the Jeska house is going on as normal, there have been some big changes. Our routine hasn't changed. Our belongings haven't changed. Over the last several days, it's my heart that has changed. The season of Lent is upon us and God has been using this time to bless me and my relationship with Him. I am re-learning what it truly means to love God and have a heart that beats for Him. Even in this time of great uncertainty, I'm feeling more sure of the direction our life is headed then ever before. For the first time in a long time, I truly trust that God has us in His hands and is guiding us down a road He has prepared for us.
With that said, I do have a few updates/prayer requests to throw out there:
1. Chris' job situation: I'm sure most of you remember several months ago when I blogged about Chris's application status with the FAA and his plans to go, and then not go to Oklahoma City to start his training. About a week ago Chris got an e-mail from the gal in charge of scheduling classes for new hires telling him they have a start date for him: April 8. This would be his first day of classes in OKC and he would finish on August 10. This gave us almost exactly 30 days to put all the plans in place including finding a summer apartment, figuring out childcare, and trying to rearrange my work schedule so that we can be together as much as possible. Now that we've finally gotten most of this figured out and Chris's office has even already hired his replacement, we are waiting to get all the final confirmations from the FAA. I'm feeling a lot of anxiety after what happened last November, especially knowing that if for some reason his start date gets put off again, he will be out of a job. Please pray for this situation, that God helps things fall into place.
2. This is the first month since our miscarriage that the doctor has given us the "go ahead" to try again for another baby. We've felt a lot of heartbreak over the last year; 11 months of trying, finally getting pregnant, and then losing the baby just under 2 months in. I'm so full of fear that it will take us several more months to get pregnant again, which is so hard when you've wanted something so badly for so long, especially when you feel like its come so easily for everyone around you. Please pray for us first and formost that God blesses our efforts, and secondly that if His timeline is a lot more spread out than we wish it was, that we can accept his plan with humble patience and trust in His timing.
I felt like post needed to end on a fun note, and this little guy is the most fun I know! Going down a 'weeee!' (That's what he calls a slide, or the park in general, so cute!)

1 comment:

  1. I seriously have been prompted to pray for you and your heart as you wait for this precious bambino to arrive, whenever that may be.

    I love and miss you my beautiful friend!

    And Benton? Oh, he's so so so cute.
