Saturday, November 13, 2010

washed up

Remember this typical film scenario?
An experienced sailor takes his boat out to sea. The weather forecast is far from promising but he's sure it's nothing he can't handle. He sails right into the eye of the storm and, as luck would have it, his boat is torn apart by the rough waters. Miraculously, he manages to find a piece of driftwood and clings to it for dear life. The next scene opens with the sailor waking up, washed onto shore with the tide slowly drifting away.
That's the best way I can describe my week this week. For the most part I go through life feeling pretty confident in my faith. I know I have room to grow but I also know I can stand firm in my beliefs when asked what my life is all about. Monday the storm hit. The news of Chris's job falling through was a blow to my faith, and I began to doubt if I knew what I was doing anymore. But an amazing thing happened. Within minutes of posting my latest blog, some of my dearest friends and family began to send little pieces of driftwood my way. Little words of encouragement, posts showing empathy, and messages of love began to fill up my phone, my Facebook inbox, and my "wall." Even friends I haven't talked to in several months called just to offer a listening ear. It took me a couple days, but I finally washed up onto shore. I'm not quite sailing yet, but I have my feet back underneath me and I'm standing on solid ground. I still don't understand the "why's" but I've come back to a point where I can accept that the plan isn't for me to know yet.
I just wanted to say thanks to every single one of you who read my blog this week and shared a little bit of your heart with me. You have blessed me and I can't put into words how much the things you said meant to me.
"We think having faith means being convinced God exists in the same way we are convinced a chair exists. People who cannot be completely convinced of God’s existence think faith is impossible for them. Not so. People who doubt can have great faith because faith is something you do, not something you think. In fact, the greater your doubt the more heroic your faith."


  1. Andrea, im glad you found your driftwood so soon! It took me months and i mean months before i felt like my head was even above the water to see the driftwood. I was just telling you how i finally felt like everything made sense in my life, ive met a great guy, blah blah. Then i get an email for an interview to work on a cruise ship. This is something ive wanted sincd march!! And sure enough it comes just 2 weks after i meet this amazing guy. God is a strange man...but for me it felt like a lesson to go with my gut instinct and for once to quit over thinking everything. Some day i believe itll all make sense but youre human so its okay to be pissed at god right now! Your blog put a smile on my face this morning!

  2. So glad you are beginning to feel some relief. It takes time, for sure. But you have tons of people to rally around you during this tough time, that will make it more bearable for sure. Hope you have a great weekend!!
