Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, it's a day late but I can't get through November without a shout out blog to all my readers about the many reasons I'm thankful this year!
First and formost, of course I am thankful for my family. Every morning, instead of an alarm clock I wake up to a little boy singing to me through his monitor, or chatting away (in jibberish) about his dreams and I can't help but say a prayer of thanks for him. Life has thrown us a few curveballs this year, but I don't think Chris and I have ever been closer, which is an amazing feeling. Even five years after meeting him I still learn new things and fall more in love.

Our trip to Minnesota last week reminded me of how lucky I am to have in-laws that I absolutly adore, that have supported us for the last three years. And, it reminded me of how thankful I am to not be living in that God forsaken fridged cold weather again this winter!

My parents arrived on Wednesday and reminded me how thankful I am for the way that they have raised me, with strong values and a bunch of love! And I'm thankful that I inherited some good cooking skills from somewhere up in the gene pool!
I have to work tonight, which makes me thankful that I've found a career I love, but that still allows me to be home with Benton every day and feel like a stay at home mom! I'm thankful that every need has been provided for, and a lot of non-needs as well! I'm a little sad that the big day is over, but Christmas is on the way! Oh, and THANKS for reading my blog :)

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