Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Don't tell me bad things happen to good people. I'm tired of hearing it. Another lame attempt at empathy from someone who doesn't know what else to say.
Don't tell me everything happens for a reason. Unless you can tell me the reason, this logic is of no use to me.
Don't tell me it's all going to be okay. You don't know that. You don't have a crystal ball.
Don't tell me you understand. You don't. You couldn't possibly. I don't pretend to know what it's like to walk in your shoes, so don't pretend you can walk in mine.
Unless you can tell me WHY, until you can tell me WHEN, if you can't tell me HOW, then just don't TELL me.


  1. You know I love you, right? :)

    I think people say those things because they don't know what else to say. I agree, that it gets old to hear the same thing with no results and no proof of what you're being promised. But I always thought it was better to hear from people, no matter what they said, than to not hear from anyone at all.

    Life doesn't make sense and it's absolutely NOT fair. I think of the story of Moses and how he held up his staff and the Israelites started winning the war, but when he got too tired to hold up his arms, Aaron came along side and held his arms up. You are tired. You need people to hold your arms up for you during this time, and we're here to do that. No, we may not always have the perfect thing to say or the right answers, but we're going through this tough time WITH you. Not looking on from afar, not behind you, but alongside you. Holding your arms up.

    Love you.

  2. Oh, Andrea. So many time I have felt the smae thing. Words can feel so empty at times.

    I am so sorry that you have anything causing such pain in your life. But, Megan is right. You are surrounded by people who love you are want to help you. People who are there to help you hold on.

    I'm here if you ever need to just get away and vent. Or if you just want to get your mind off of things.

    Sending you warm thoughts, prayers and hugs.
