Sunday, June 26, 2011

Benton's Owie :(

I used to think the worst feeling ever was being gossiped about. Or being stuck at home alone on a Friday night. Wrong and wrong again. I now know that the true WORST feeling ever is seeing your little one hurting, and knowing there is NOTHING you can do to make it feel better.

My mom came to town this week while I had some medical tests run, and on Tuesday we decided to hit up the Legends. We were so excited to take Benton to eat at T-Rex (think Rainforest Cafe, but with dinosaurs) for the first time. You know how restaurants really love to install big fancy, very heavy glass doors? Well it just so happens that T-Rex had such doors. Benton was holding onto the hinge as it was closing and, lo and behold, his ring finger on his right hand was caught. I noticed JUST BEFORE the door closed all the way. I pushed open the door, took one look at his hand, and went into PANIC mode. Literally, I screamed "MOM, WHAT DO I DO?" Yeah, me, the girl who can handle a patient coding without breaking a sweat. Smashed finger when its my own kid and I'm hysterical, as was he. And who could blame him, the  poor thing!

After about 15 minutes, he stopped bawling, and we thought for a few minutes maybe he would be fine. But I decided I would feel better if we took him to Children's Mercy Hospital, just in case it was broken. They took an x-ray and decided his finger is really too tiny to tell, but most likely based on the damage to the finger nail it was. Ugh. My stomach churns EVERY time I think about it, and I keep re-playing the image of him standing there looking at me with his finger caught in the door in my head.

I'm looking forward to receiving the "worst mom of the year" award for this incident. I've already begun preparing my speech:
 "Well you see, I decided that since he's left handed, he really didn't need that finger. And I wanted the door propped so that I could feel a slight breeze while I waited to be seated. And he's just 2, so it's not like he'll remember it when he's older..."
Okay, I know it was just an accident and these things happen. But my heart still hurts thinking about it. Ahhh, the first of (I'm sure many) injuries I'll get to experience while being the mother of a boy.

All fixed up, with all his stickers from the various nurses, whom he wooed with is love for bubbles and fish :)

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